Our Suppliers
A list of brands we work with
With over 250 brands to choose from and ever growing, we are confident that we can help you with all your sourcing needs. Below is a list of our main brand partners. If you are unable to find a supplier that you are looking for, do let us know and we will be happy to reach out to them on your behalf:
1881 Ltd | Diptyque | Lobmeyr | Rogaska |
AbbeyHorn | Edward Waites Sculpture | Loet Vanderveen | Room |
Abyss Habidecor | Eisch | Lorenzi Milano | Rory Dobner |
Addison Ross | Elie Bleu | Lotisier | Rosenthal |
Agraria | Ercuis | LSA International | Rotter Glass |
Agresti | Eri Textiles | Lukas Jubarek | Royal Albert |
Alain Saint Joanis | Ettinger | Luminaire Arts | Royal Breirley |
Alberto Pinto | Fissler | Mackenzie Childs | Royal Crown Derby |
Alessi | Forger de Laguiole | Marie Daage | Royal Doulton |
Alexander James | Fornasetti Furniture | Mario Cioni | Royal Limoges |
Alexandra Llewellyn | Frette | Mario Luca Giusti | Royal Scot Crystal |
Alexia Lixfeld | Furstenberg | Massimo Lunardon | Sabre |
Alexandre Turpault | Garnier Thibault | Masserano | Salviati |
Anna Torfs | Gayle Warwick | Mauviel | Sambonet |
Anna Weatherley Designs | Guaxs | MC Hersey | Scanpan (haus) |
Anya Hindmarch Candles | Gentili | Medard de Noblat | Schiavon |
Apilco | Geoffrey Parker | Meissen | Schott Zwiesel |
Arca Horn | George Jensen | Mepra | Seletti |
Argenesi | Gien | Missoni Home | Sferra Linen |
Artel Glass | Ginori 1735 | Miyabi | Sieger by Furstenberg |
Arthur Price of Sheffield | GioBagnara | Montgolfier France | Skultuna |
Assouline | Giuliano Tincani | Moser | Sonja Quandt |
Augarten | Grant Macdonald | Mottahedeh | Spiegelau |
Baccarat | Greggio | Nacthmann | Spode |
Baobab | Halcyon Days | Nason & Moretti | Strahl |
Begg & Co | Haviland Limoges | Nina Campbell | Staub |
Bella Figura | Heathfield & Co | Nontron | Stelton |
Bernardaud | Heirlooms | Nymphenburg | Studio William |
Bert Frank | Helen Moore | Objet de Curiosite | SV Casa |
Bordallo Pinheiro | Herdmar | Objet Luxe | Theresienthal |
Brinkhaus | Hering Berlin | Odiot | Thomas Rosenthal |
Broggi | Herend | Olivier Deforges | Toscanini |
Buccellati | Hermes Porcelain | Ornamenta | Tosco Ticciati |
Burleigh | Hermes HOME | Orrefors | Utopia and Utility |
Caithness | Holme Gaard | Oscar Maschera | Uchino |
Carl Mertens | Hutschenreuther | O.W London | Valombreuse |
Carrs Silver | Idogi | Oyuna | Varga |
Caverswall | Iittala | Paderno | Venice Home Collection |
Charingworth | IVV | Peter Reed | Venini |
Chiarugi 1952 | J Siegnolles | Peugeot | Versace by Rosenthal |
Chilewich | J A Campbell | Peter Reed | Veterie de Empoli |
Christian Fischbacher | Jars Ceramistes | Peugeot | Villari |
Christiane Perrochon | Jaune de Chrome | Phaidon | Villeroy & Boch |
Christofle | Jay Strongwater | Pigment | Vista Alegre |
Claudia Barbari | JL Coquet | Pickard | Visual Comfort |
Cole & Mason | John Jenkins | Pillivuyt | Volupsa |
Couzon | John Julian | Pinetti | Voltra Lighting |
Cristel Benito | Julia Knight | Porcel | Wilkens |
Cristal Et Bronze | Just Slate Company | Portmerion | William Yeoward |
Cristallerie de Montbronn | Kai Knives | Posh Trading | Wedgwood |
Cristal Sevres | Katrin Leuze | Pratesi | Wolf |
Cristel | Kaymet | Prouna | Wusthof |
Cub-ar | Kim Seybert | Puiforcat | Waterford Crystal |
Culti | Klaar Prims | Quagliotti | William Edwards |
Cumbria Crystal | Kosta Boda | Rabitti 1969 | Yves de Lorme |
Cutipol | KPM | Raynaud | Zafferano |
D.Porthualt | L’Objet | Reflection Copenhagen | Zalto |
Dartington Crystal | Labrazel | Richard Brendon | Zanetto |
Daum | Lalique | Riedel | Zeiher |
David Mellor | Lalique Maison | Rina Menardi | Zodiac |
Décor Walther | Le Jacquard Francais | Riviere | Zwilling |
Deshoulieres | Legle Limoges | Robert Haviland & C.Parlon | |
Diane James Home | Lenox | Robbe & Berking | |
Dibbern | Lladro | Robert Welch |